Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Year: A Time to Look Back and Look Ahead

Waking up on January 1st is really no different than waking up on December 30th or January 2nd.  But we, it seems, see January 1st differently. 

January 1st has become a day for reflection and anticipation.  We look back to see what the past year was like and we look forward hoping that the New Year will be better than the old one.

As I look back on this past year, I can see that we have changed.  Our district spent time reinventing itself.  We closed buildings, created new ones, and attempted to address our structural budget deficit. 

What we did was painful.  While we changed the look of the district, we also changed much of our history and our traditions.  It was not, and is not, easy.  Yet, it was necessary. 

We had a structural deficit.  We were spending more money that we were receiving in revenue.  We could not continue to operate that way.  A new direction was not only needed, it was necessary.

In deciding to change, it was important to create positive educational environments.  I think that plan that was created attempted to do that.  We created an early childhood and kindergarten center, which concentrates staff time and attention.  At Neff, teachers, aides, administrators, and support staff all focus on the needs of our kindergarten and early childhood students.

Our four grade 1-6 buildings keep our preteens – students up through age twelve – together.  We have provided professional development in reading and writing instruction to our teachers, attempting to create consistent instructional practices between classrooms and buildings.    

A grade 7-8 building was created at Hayes.  Here all the students in the district come together.  Staff can work together to focus on instructional practices and create educational experiences for our students that are consistently and deliberately provided.

Our high school has had the students who were in our Sawdon Alternative High School folded back into the building.  A Student Success team focuses on providing support for students who struggle.  Continued and expanded opportunities for advanced placement are provided as well.  As with Hayes, at the high school we are focusing in providing consistent and deliberate instruction.

Looking back on last year reminds me of the tremendous changes that have been made.   Not everything went as smoothly as I had hoped.  We planned and thought through as much as possible, but there were obvious areas where we fell short.  We continue to strive to improve and make the educational experience of our students as positive as possible. 

Now January 1st has come.  The New Year beckons to us.  Right now the possibilities are endless.  What will happen?  How will life change?  What will be different than last year?

My resolution is to continue working to create the district that all of us want - a district that provides quality educational experiences for every student. 

Our stated goal is to be considered one of the best districts in the state and nation.  I believe we can accomplish that goal.  It will take hard work.  In the current economic climate I do not anticipate that we will receive additional resources.  In fact, we might see reduced resources.

Yet I remain hopeful.  Why?  We have the most important ingredient we need to be successful - people who care.  From our employees to our parents to our community members, I have been overwhelmed by the passion and the commitment that has been displayed. 

People have rolled up their sleeves and dug in to help recreate our district.  The challenges have been, and will continue to be, difficult.  Yet, people have stood up and made a commitment to work hard for our district.

I do not know what the New Year will bring.  I do know that together we will continue to shape and change our district so that our students will receive the education that they need and that they deserve.

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